Rabu, 08 September 2010

Me, I'm back guys.

Hello. .

It's been a long time, isn't it?
Yeah i know, it's hard to me to blogging in my dorm. Because there's no wi-fi. And internet area is soooo faaaarrrr from dorm. Isolated? not really. Thanks to all the scientist in this century, so all people in the world have internet on their phone. hehehe. . .
I'm not isolated guys. So, don't worry. :)

Yup. Sejak mulai masuk kuliah di Institut Pertanian Bogor ( My lovely IPB. .*smooch ), Kami semua, mahasiswa Tingkat Persiapan Bersama ( or in short TPB ) tinggal di asrama.

Sad? Of course. I have to stay far away from my parent and my lil bro.
U know, i'm cried when i have to sleep at dorm for the first time. No dad, mom, and my lil bro.

Lonely guys. It's feel so lonely. But, i have to learn how to life independent there.
I'm not a kid anymore. 18th years old, everybody said that i'm old. .errrr. .

Waktu gue pindah ke asrama, pas banget tanggal 15 agustus. And guess what? Itu hari ultah gue. Hiks..hiks.. sepinya nggak ada sobat-sobat gue pas gue ultah. Gue pun masih harus menyesuaikan diri dengan teman-teman satu asrama.

I have to take all of this thing easy. Yah, gue nggak bisa ngeluh atau sedih berlarut-larut. Jadi ya gue bawa gampang aja. (But, still miss all my friend in my birthday)

Udah 3 minggu berlalu sejak gue tinggal di asrama. Dan dalam liburan panjang selama 2 minggu ini, gue juga belum bisa ketemu mereka.

Sorry ya kawan. Gue aja udah balik ke Bekasi masih belum bisa ketemu sama kalian. Padahal gue kangen banget sama kalian. Apalagi di lebaran kali ini. Pengen banget deh ketemu dan ngobrol sama kalian. Last words before i stop writing, i miss u all guys. *deep smooch
